“New visions of the ending of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker have finally been revealed. Concept art has become a huge part of the Star Wars conversation during the sequel trilogy thanks in large part to the gorgeous books by Phil Szostak.” Read more at Gizmodo. From the Caterpillar Club to The Sons of Lee Marvin, here are some unusual clubs that exist (for some reason). Read more at Mental Floss. Marvel has confirmed that Star-Lord is bisexual and polyamorous in its newest issue of Guardians of the Galaxy, but what does that mean for the MCU’s version? “Marvel has confirmed that Star-Lord is bisexual. In Guardians Of The Galaxy #9: I Shall Make You a Star-Lord by Al Ewing, the character is shown to be in a polyamorous relationship with a man and a woman and feels accepted and at home with them, which is lovely for Peter Quill as a character.” Read more at The Mary Sue. Facebook will start reaching out to users who have interacted with COVID-19 misinformation directly in an attempt to curb its spread. Read more at PCMag. Songbird, Michael Bay’s pandemic thriller, is a cheesy disappointment that perhaps arrived too soon. “‘Remember the good old days of fake news? Real news is worse.‘ Those words are spoken early on in Songbird, the Michael Bay-produced COVID-sploitation thriller and the ‘first film to shoot in L.A.’ since the beginning of the pandemic. The line arrives during the requisite doom-soaked montage of dystopian imagery, blurry news footage, and fired-up social media testimonials that often kick off tales of societal collapse.” Read more at Thrillist. If you’re an environmentally conscious consumer in the market for a Christmas tree, here’s a breakdown of whether you should buy a real tree, a plastic one, or a used plastic one. Read more at Inverse.